Tetley’s Motor Services
Tetley's Motor Services

Tetley’s often require large volume orders for their team of 60+ drivers and office staff. They need good quality garments due to the nature of their work and they need them delivered quickly.
Unfortunately, their previous supplier wasn’t meeting their needs, so asked if we could help.
Of course, this was right up our street! We also found that in addition to the quality and quick turnaround they required a diverse size range to suit their drivers. While we sourced a product that could cover these requirements. We then found that the shirts were a little too short in the body and were coming untucked out of the wearer’s trousers and looking unsightly! Our brand and product knowledge, along with some research led us to source the perfect shirt to meet their needs.
Alongside the shirts, we also supply bespoke ties, polo shirts, knitwear, and waterproof jackets for the team, giving a cohesive uniform that looks smart.